IWG, through its members, plays an active role in the day-to-day activity of spreading and employing the principles of the universally recognized campaign for EXPO Milan 2015 Feeding the Planet Energy for Life and through this theme focuses on nutrition.

The scope of this project aims to share with the multifaceted Singaporean female community the Italian gastronomic culture, with a view to exchange culture and enrich humanity.

Each workshop is designed to go in depth in the following areas:

  • Inequitable Food Distribution
  • Food Safety Law & Authenticity of Products
  • Sustainable Agriculture

For these reasons IWG, acting as an ambassador of timeless values of Italian cuisine in Asia and in particular Singapore, would like to ask for sponsorship of PROJECT IWG FOR EXPO MILANO 2015.

Contents and Project Scheme:  The project is organized into 3 events whereby workshops designed to go in-depth will be followed.

Event 1:  Food Industry Professionals

This phase represents a medium for transmitting the tradition of Italian cooking to Singapore.

This phase hosts a round table discussion between:

  • A female entrepreneur of Italian products in Singapore
  • A female chef working in an Italian restaurant
  • A female Import/Export entrepreneur of Italian products
  • A female representative of Italian Culture Association (Academia Italiana della Cucina)

Event 2: Health Industry Professionals

The key focus for this gathering is:  How healthy is the food on our plates? Are we nourishing ourselves in the correct and healthy way?  Experts in the field exhibit their knowledge of the relationship between food and health and on the prevention of certain socio-economic diseases that cannot but pass through incorrect eating habits.  Embarking on heightened dietary awareness discussing the hidden dangers of packaged and processed industrial foods that often contain excessive quantities of salt, sugar, fat and preservatives.

A collective round table discussion between:

  • Biologist
  • Nutritionist
  • Oncologist & Researcher

Event 3:  Italian food, Sharing Experiences

An encounter with the female community of Singapore will be organized to hear about the experiences and embrace the perspective of the Singapore woman.

“Do you really like Italian food???”: this is the question and the central topic of discussion for the final phase.

I’ll tell you about my experience…: A social gathering between Italian women and Singaporean women.

This round table discussion in the theme of EXPO MILAN 2015 Feeding the Planet Energy for Life will focus on the availability of varied ingredients and possible substitutes through direct sales, as a means to develop a model that preserves the taste for Italian culture compatible with the principle of direct sales and sustainability.

A round table discussion will be organized between:

  • Passionate cooks
  • Wives and spouses
  • Clients of Italian restaurants
  • Entrepreneurs in the Food Industry

Note in chiusura della serie di incontri Food Health and Tradition

Perche’ IWG ha deciso di organizzare un dibattito articolato in tre eventi e relative tavole rotonde, su alcuni dei punti cruciali della sfida alimentare di questo XXI mo secolo?

Perche’ IWG crede che la visione che le donne hanno e le soluzioni che esse prospettano nella risoluzione di problemi siano non solo differenti ma sempre innovative ed equilibrate.

Le donne che hanno partecipato agli incontri Food Health and Tradition hanno portato le loro testimonianze e la loro professionalita’. Esse parlando di nutrizione del corpo  hanno fatto comprendere il legame indissolubile tra il corpo e le mente: nutrire vuol dire quindi sviluppare e fortificare la liberta’ e l’intelligenza di tutti.

La nostra convinzione e’ che concetti come sostenbilita’ globale, eliminazione degli sprechi alimentari, uguaglianza nell’accesso alle risorse, diventino obiettivi raggiungibili attraverso una nuova alleanza tra cibo e cultura e che i creatori, divulgatori ed esecutori di questo nuovo approccio, di questo nuovo patto per un futuro migliore non possano essere che le donne.

Stefania Scapicchio